
Is it beautiful?

Today everybody is talking about Halloween, costumes & all that´s connected with this strange day. I don´t like this holiday, don´t like its background.

-I don´t like Halloween!
-Oh, don´t be so boring. It´s just fun and nothing more!
  ... my friend answered, but nevertheless I don´t celebrate it, don´t make special orders for that day, for me it´s just another wonderful autumn day. That´s why I want to show you these great mugs by a great Russian-American Artist Yevgenia.

She learnt traditional & classical techniques of painting while living in Russia & later, moving to New York, she started experimenting with different mediums & found her own manner of painting.

I like her works, they are alive, they are beautiful, they vibrate. And these mugs are my favourite ones. Have a loot at YEVGENIA ETSY SHOP you´ll find great things there. Her floral collection is amazing!



Guess where I was?

Yesterday I had a great time, & you know where? ... at the zoo!
It was so nice to see these wonderful creatures again, & I didn´t feel sorry about them so much. Yes, they are not free but nevertheless they don´t seem to suffer there.

The most interesting is that you can feed them :)



Summer in Late Autumn

Bangles.. bangles.. bangles...

Totally forgot to show you my bangles here. They remind me of summer days, hot weather, sweet nights..

Oh, I miss it already! But I´m not here for complaining but for celebrating BANGLES :)
So, they are coming! Check them out.




Inspiring stories..

There are thousands of people who write about success. What it means to them & how it came to them, the main rules & all the stuff.. And it doesn´t matter what exactly our field of work is, how old or young we are. Everybody wants to be successful to make his life count.

I believe the most important thing is to know what your goal is. We are much stronger than we think, we can achieve much more than we hope. The main think is to KNOW WHAT WE WANT!

Thanks God, I know what my biggest project of life is & I´ve started small in order to get high. I don´t really understand how I´ll get there, but I´m sure I will.
 I believe in my project & I know that one day I´ll look back & will be proud of that what we´ve gained. 
 Why did  choose such a picture? :) Ballerina prepares herself for hard hours of practising & improving her technique. Her devotion brings her success :)))

So, I´m going to devote the rest of my day the work that with make my goal closer :)))

Are you with me? :)

Have a great day! 



Do We Need to Concentrate on the Dust?

They say the creative person is a child who survived.

Pablo Picasso once said, "Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life". It´s true, but do we really need it? Do we need to concentrate on the dust?
I know that it´s very controversial to think so, but it´s my territory & I allow myself to write what I really think.

My artist Yuri Pysar doesn´t reveal the problems of society in his works, or tries to wake people´s cosciousness, he follows quite the opposite point of view, he shows how wonderful our life is. He teaches us to see the beauty in simple things, to be aware of our beauty, to follow the beauty & be beautiful & happy , because if we are happy, we create a happy world around us. Actually we make the world better. :))

Yuri Pysar´s  collectors & customers come back, because they feel the harmony looking at the paintings, & want to have more & more these amazing pieces at their home. And to my mind it´s such a blessing  to be able to share the best of your inner world & present people with its beauty! 


Amazing Animals

...& when I see such photos I understand once again, why I don´t eat meat! I love them too much to eat. No, tell me aren´t they just sweet?? :)))

Funny Animals Collection



First Etsy Sale

Today is a great day & you know why? Because exactly today we had the first sale on etsy. I was so eager & so ready to complete a sale there, but nevertheless it came unexpectedly :) Can you imagine my face as I saw in the box "Orders" 1 :)

It´s a great start & now I just hope that it comes safe & our first etsy customer will be pleased with her new item.

So, I´m just in a great mood :) I think I´m going to see amazing dreams today. No,no, I won´t take a block & write down my new tags strategies as I did yesterday... :)

So, good night dear friends, & let´s believe in ourselves, as it´s the most important thing that brings us success!

Ok, I´m leaving.. Good night :)


Wonderful Hats by Behinda Dolic

I love etsy, because exaclty there you can find very talented & creative people whose items are so unique & magnificent that one can't take eyes off of them

Yesterday I met there a wonderful designer Behinda Dolic . She was so fascinated by American fashion of the 20th century that she started making her own hand-draped cloche hats. Her works are so charming. Have a look at her etsy shop & you'll see it yourself. Currently she lives & works in New York & brings a lot of happiness for her customers.



Sun is there

Today I woke up with the sounds of heavy rain.
And I thought how nice it is that I don't need to go outside. But you won't believe it, now it's so nice, so sunny & fresh that I'm looking for the reason to leave all my stuff & go outside to enjoy this sunny rays of autumn. Such weather is always so motivating, because you see that grey colors unexpectedly change to light, alive colors & then you know for sure, that the nature doesn't have bad weather, because there is always sun after rain and that's so wonderful  :)
So, It's a great beginning of the week, & Monday isn't as bad as so many see it :)
Ok, it's time to go back to my work.
Incredible, sun rays are kissing my skin through the window. I feel such warmth! GREAT DAY!


Black & White

I like this option on etsy to create treasury lists, where you can add items according to themes or colors. It's up to you to decide :)

Here is my Black & White one. Beautiful designs, interesting decoration items, that's what I have there.
Frankly speaking, I seldom mix black & white together in clothing or in my jewelry designs because the combination for me is too extreme & too classic. Either total black or total white look.


Музика високого духу ві Львові

Де ще би мій провестися концерт легендарних "КОМУ ВНИЗ", як не в місті, яке можна по праву назвати колискою України і всього українського. Здавалося б, хто такі ті "Кому Вниз" і кому їх треба..Та із здивуванням спостерігала, як наповнюється зал і дорослими і малими, і дідиками, і дівчатками. Їхні фанати їм вірні і їм не треба робити концерти кожні півроку, щоб їх памятали. Це таки і дійсно музика високого духу і коли чуєш їх, то наче історична память включається і ти відчуваєш велику любов і шану попереднім поколінням за те, що зуміли донести до нас наше "рідне".

Театр Заньковецької був як рукавичка в той вечір і зал був настільки щедрим на оплески, що 3 рази випрошували повернення гурту на сцену. Це було класно, я люблю так хлопати, щоб музиканти не могли встояти.
А ще після всього, йдучи вуличкою, побачили Середу. Ну і як нам було з ним не сфотатися. Казав, що хоче на концерт в Франківськ і знову нам дякував, що ми є, а ми йому :)

Дуже вартісний концерт в чудовому місті в приємній компанії 


What does music mean to me?

If somebody asked me, without what I can't imagine my life I would definitely answer MUSIC. As music reveals all the feelings, music allows us to discover ourselves, it's our inner voice. It's so powerful, it brings you exactly the mood you're looking for, it can calm you down or make excited... All the feelings are hidden in 8 music notes, that's amazing. Freedom of music doesn't have boundaries, harmony of it can't be lost.. And I just can say how happy I am that I can hear it.

Today my star is Rob Costlow with his piano collection... and I feel my feel are losing the ground and I'm starting flying.

P.S. Can you imagine how happy my future bracelets will be, they hear it the whole day long :)