
Lovely Cards by QsFlowerStand

 Erika. from Santa Ana, California is our new hero. Her etsy shop QsFlowerStand is about charming & chic cards. It´s such a pleasure to get nice cards :)) I love it. To stay in touch with the loved ones in such a way it´s so romantic! So, here is Erika story for you to know who is a wonderful person behind these adorable cards!

I've been involved in the arts since I was about 4 years old. My family made it a point to expose me to as many avenues of art as possible, from the theater to photography. It has definitely led me to discover a creativity within myself. Before I started my shop on Etsy, I was a school teacher. Once I had my first child, it was important for me to stay at home. However, not wanting to get bored, I started experimenting with creative outlets and thus, my shop was born.

childish activity
I loved the theater and always have. I remember all of the performances I would put on with my friends as kids. We would charge money, make costumes, you name it. I wish we had them on film!
inspiring people
 My family...especially my daughter. Living life through the eyes of a 2 year old can be quite an experience and one full of imagination and creativity. Other than that, I absolutely LOVE Shakespeare!

I like being creative because basically I think it's fun. But I'm sort of a math and logic type of person, so I enjoy figuring out what works and what doesn't!

favourite weather
 I love rainy weather so much. Living in Southern California, you don't see a lot of it. So when we get it, I cherish it. It makes me want to curl up and drink my hot cocoa by the fireplace!

Thank you, Erica, for you cooperation & we wish you & all your family all the best for the future! ;)


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